Christ, God, health and wellness, Jesus, religion

The Rock Won’t Move ….

What is it that we have in life that is stable?

What is it that we have that always stands constant?

Friends come and go.

Relationships sometimes die down.

Friendships aren’t always promising.

Frustration meets us at the door.

Depression creeps in …. and we all the sudden feel lost.

We wake up one day …. and we think, “I can’t go on.”



But the Rock …. the “Rock won’t move and His word is strong.”

I heard that song today at church for the first time.  It blessed me so much.

“Oh the Rock won’t move and His word is strong.  The Rock won’t move and His love can’t be undone.”

I serve a God.  I serve a faithful, constant, unwavering God.  I serve a God who loves me no matter what.

We, not just I …. folks, we serve a God who says, “my love for you is unfailing.

“What a person desires is unfailing love.” (Proverbs 19:22)

And the wonderful, the almighty God that we serve …. said …

“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed.” (Isaiah 54:10)

Why in the world would we refer to God as a Rock?  A rock is used in similes and metaphors to refer to someone or something that is extremely strong, reliable, or hard.  It offers support, a foundation, a cornerstone.

Friends, we should look up.

We should not retreat.

We should not fall back.


Don’t you know?  God is in us! And He that is in us is greater than anything!

We can’t continue to look back.  We can’t continue to allow both small and big things to stop us in our tracks.

No!  We must keep moving forward!

Inside of us lies the greatest instrument of power that we could ever utilize in our lives. Inside of us lies the very ONE who died on the cross for you and I.

And He says to us, “Get up.  Move. Walk. Be with me!  Have faith in what I’m doing.  Choose to stand on the one Word that you claim to believe in…me!  Walk with me. Be with me. Allow me to be and go with you.  I am in you!”


Friend, God is the one constant in our life.

He won’t fail us.

He doesn’t bring us depression …. rather, He brings us joy.  Joy that overflows until we can’t possibly hold anymore.

Yes, He is that Rock. He is that Rock that won’t move!  

He is that One …. That One that says, “trust me.” He holds true to His word.

Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. (Proverbs 30:5)

He is the very one ….. the very one that said, “I chose you before you came to earth.  I knew when you would arrive.  I gave you the ability to be like me.”

He says to us, “Won’t you trust me?  Won’t you come and walk with me?”

His Word doesn’t lie.
His Word will never return void to us.  
We will never receive a notice saying, “I’m sorry there is insufficient resources.  I can’t help you.”

God is constant.

God is the One Rock that we can always stand on.

We should seek Him.  We should try harder in developing a relationship with Him.

We should pray more.

In fact, and yes, I’m even speaking to myself; we should learn to rely on Him even more.

I long to see Him.

I wanna sit right next to Him

I want Him to one day, look in my eyes, to look in your eyes, and to be able to say, “Well done.”

The Rock … the One True God …. I love Him.

We are simply a step away from Him.

He is obtainable.
He is reachable.
He is certainly not abstract.

The God I serve, is real!  He is living!

He is The Rock that won’t move.

No matter how far away you try to push Him; God never leaves us.  When someone leaves in that relationship it was us, not Him.

Yes, He is ….. He is the Rock that won’t move.


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