
The One Who Fills All Things . . . Even You!

Identity.  Understanding who you are and whose you are – it’s a perplex thought that as individuals we overcomplicate and easily process through the wrong lens.

I get it.  Trust me, I do.  We take the experiences of life – and filter everything through those experiences.  The entire package of YOU wrapped up, squeezed in …. Forced to fit in a suitcase that if surely was checked in at an airport, would exceed the weight limit – and you would pay more.

Yes – you would pay more to carry an identity that has broken rules and not followed the love standards of Christ.

We carry things every day.  Myself included.  False ideologies.  Wrong mindsets.  Belief systems that do nothing but stifle and hold us back from living out the very purpose that Christ instilled in us.

We are commanded in simple words to rise up.  To fulfill the calling of the one who represents the fullness of every. Single. Thing. That has breathe and moves about the earth.

Yet, you, like me, at times can be hesitant.  

We create lame excuses and recite things such as:

“This happened to me, so I can’t.”

“I’m not loved.  I’m not noticed.  No one sees me. So, I’ll just sit here.”

We choose to sit on the sidelines of the very life Christ created for us, because of our own hesitations … fears … and thought processes.

Don’t misunderstand – I am not at all saying that life is easy, and that experiences that we go through are easy.  Nor am I saying that we won’t at times get down and have a moment or two where we choose to believe opposite of Jesus.

We are human – those things will happen.

If we could catch a glimpse, as the air breezes past us, of the intentionality of the One who created us …. If we could just breathe it in and sit there — smelling, feeling, and reminding ourselves of who He is …. We certainly would be better representatives of the One who loves us so much.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.com

I am quite convinced that we fail to fully grasp who we are.  If we did – if we saw it – if we smelled it and it became as tangible as the smell of fresh cut grass, we would be world-changers for Jesus.

Suicide would stop.

Killings would stop.

Racial divides would cease.

Broken families would be no more.

The list could go on and on.

How can I convince myself of the above?

Very simple.  Inside of our beautiful Savior resides power.  Resides a firm, resolute commitment to exist and operate from that power.  And that very same power has been given to us.  We were bought with a price – just like you purchase an automobile.  The keys have been handed to us, yet we fail to use the right to key to unlock all that we have been given.

You see, you and I are still standing at the door — shuffling through keys trying to find the right one. 

The reason we choose to not unlock the real identity of who we are?

We have the wrong mindset.

We are trying to unlock a door that has already been unlocked for us.

We are afraid to go in …. I struggle understanding “why”, even for myself.

So, breathe today ……. 

Step outside … breathe in the fullness of the One who fills all things in every way.

And as you breathe, remember, if He is the One who fills all things in every way …. 

You are included in that “all” also …. 

Christianity, God

Come to the Light


John 3:20-21 – All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.” (NLT)

This verse is spot on! Why wouldn’t it be, it’s the Bible.

We spend so much time “running from God.” People as a whole tend to think and believe that you can’t go to God until you’re life is cleaned up.

It is true, that when living in Sin we hide from the very one who can cure us – Jesus! The further and deeper into sin we get, the further away from God we tend to go.

It’s the light, the power of God himself that exposes that sin. We are afraid. We think it will hurt and people will find out. The truth: sometimes when our sin is exposed, it does bring pain. But the other truth: God loves us enough that He walks through that every step of the way with us.

He never moves from us, we move from Him.

No matter your situation today, whether living in sin or not, run to the very one that yes, will expose it, because of His power, but He can also heal you!

Today, run to His light!

Be blessed!

Christianity, God

He Gives Wisdom


James 1:5-8 – “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.”

God gives us everything. He plainly tells us that if we need wisdom, to ask Him for it. He cautions us of only one thing: to make sure that when we ask for wisdom, when we ask for anything for that matter, that our faith is in Him alone.

We can’t ask the creator for something, and doubt at the same time. Just as we know or decide that we are going to Him with a request, we must resolve in our heart that only He can fulfill it. The world tempts us, Satan stands ready to devour us, if we let Him.

Therefore, we must continue standing. We must continue going to God with our request, He will fulfill them. He will restore and He will give us wisdom.

We. Must. Trust. Him!

God, motivation

Press On


Paul in the Bible said it best, “I press on toward the goal.”

He learned to not get caught up in his past. Instead he allowed his past to fuel him to greater heights and a closer walk with God.

We stop and ask ourselves, “Where has the time gone?” We worry and wonder thinking this or that has been a waste.

Friends, our experiences, our past… These things are only a waste if we allow them to be.

We must get up and press on toward what God has called us too. We must dust ourselves off. 2015 and the years before have come and gone.

There is absolutely nothing we can do to change the events of what has already come.

But praise God, because one of those very things, the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ…. It has been written in the pages of history and manifest itself daily in the lives of every human being walking this earth.

So get up. Move forward and press on to that which He has called you too.

Christ, Christianity, God

Love Never Fails

As I sit here ready to wrap up a long day I’m reminded of this very thing:


God’s love is always constant.

He never runs out…..

Constantly He stands ready to pour into us the amazing amount of love that He has.

To understand God’s love is to know Him because He is love!

He disciplines us because He loves us.

He restores us because He loves us.

He sent His son to this earth because He loves us.

His Son gave the ultimate sacrifice….himself, because He loves us.

So, if God’s love is constant, what then should we who have Christ in our hearts be?


Constant in His love!

We were made in His image. When people see us they should see unfailing love because they see Him.

Sometimes I have to check myself at the door and remember that it’s not about me, it’s about Him.

We walk so far into this journey of Christianity… We take what we need… But at some point we must realize it’s about Him and what He will do through us.

If everything we do is constantly centered around love, then constantly we will pursue a closer walk with God.

It’s about love. And His love NEVER fails.

Christianity, God

Just Serve Him

Volunteering and serving at church is not always easy. 

Life still happens. Various things still must be done. But constantly I am reminded, just as my pastor said today …. “we must be distributors of God’s love.”

He calls us. He told us to serve and follow Him. 

You see, the goal is not for us to just get what we can from Him. It’s much bigger than that. The goal is that we get what we can from Him so that we can give to others. 

This past Wednesday was one of those moments. One of those moments where you just want to stop and say, “God, does what I’m doing for you even matter?”

Come on. Be honest! I’m not the only youth worker that has ever wondered that. Wednesday our youth performed Acts of Kindness out in our community. I was so tired that day. My work is demanding right now and for a few moments I thought, ” I don’t have time for this!”

But in my Spirit I felt God say, “You make time. Those kids are counting on you.” 

I showed up. I was still tired. I was still thinking about the things I left undone at work. I was still thinking about the next few months. Still, I showed up …. For God and those kids. 

God rewarded their acts of Kindness. One sweet lady that they chose to bless, she showed up at church today. Not only did she show up, but she gave her life to Christ. 

When that was shared with me today I just wanted to cry. God is so good and He honors us. 

It’s not us, it’s Him! He does the work. He just needs willing bodies to serve Him!

Christianity, God

What’s Your Tag Say?

“So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you:  compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline.” Colossians 3:12 (Message)

In my Spirit last night I drew a correlation for myself of the above verse and how we as Christians are supposed to live.

With my small group last night we read Colossians 3:12-17.  As it was being read last night I read from the NLT version …. but I have fallen in love with the word choice that is used in the Message version.

Paul, in his letter is telling the people the very same thing we need to tell ourselves today:

“Dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you …… Regardless of what else you put on, wear love.  It’s your basic, all-purpose garment.  Never be without it.” Colossians 3:12, 16


I’m amazed at this realization God gave me last night and this morning while I was praying.

Most people take an incredible amount of time to think about their clothing choice.  What should I wear?  Does this match?  What shoes should I pick out to go with the outfit?

Then, after picking out the clothes, careful attention is paid (by most) to go and iron them to make sure all the wrinkles are gone.  Sometimes using starch, sometimes putting perfect creases in your clothes ever so neatly.

We take our time to dress ourselves in clothing and to make sure we look good!!!

In the hustle and bustle of everything that takes place in this thing we call life, it seems that we very often forget to “put on the wardrobe God picked out for us!”

We can dress ourselves in our designer clothing ….

Designer, newest, hippest, shoes ….

The most low cut skirt ….

Revealing shirt ….

We can do all that!!! More power to you!

But when you check your clothing tag ….

Who made your clothes?

Paul told the people then … “Regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s the most basic, all-purpose garment.  Never be without it.”

When I think of all purpose garment I think of daily. It’s something that we choose to dress ourselves in. We don’t leave home naked and unclothed. We take time to put on clothing and to make the decision of what clothes we wear.

Christianity also takes time. In the morning before we leave we have to take the time to first clothe ourselves in the Word of God and make the decision to put on….

More love.
And some more love.


So today, before leaving your home, take some time to decide to equip yourself and clothe yourself in the very wardrobe God has given us….. His mind!

christian, Christianity, God

Increase in Love


1 Thessalonians 3:12 – “And may the Lord make you to increase and excel and overflow in love for one another and for all people, just as we do for you.” (AMP)

At the core of who and what God is….. Is love.

Love is patient. He is patient with us.

Love is not envious, jealous, arrogant, it’s not self-seeking – love is none of that. And God himself, didn’t use those traits with us.

But instead love is ready to believe the best in everyone, it endures everything, and it never fails.

Love is so much! And it is the heart of God.

His heart is that we too would excel and have an abundance of love for other people. Think about it. We are made in His image.

Love…… We need to love some people. Not for ourselves, not for attention, but because it’s the right thing to do.

Remember, He loved us first. He taught us how to love! May we follow His example and give back!

Be blessed y’all!

christian, Christianity, God

Pray it Down


You know… We have light bulb moments in our life.

I took a #discipleshipU class at church this past summer. I read a section from a book that talked about how we have to bring heaven down to earth. I was puzzled slightly, because I didn’t get it.

Last night at our youth meeting one of the speakers was talking about the Lord’s prayer.

Together we all started reciting it.

Matthew 6:9-13 – “This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

But here’s what’s cool. Jesus is speaking in these verses. And right before this He is telling us that we don’t have to be fancy. That we should just pray and talk to God.

My lightbub moment came when we stopped at, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Friends, we have the right to go straight to God and demand for His goodness to happen right here on earth! But we have to pray it down! It doesn’t just happen!

I love this!!

Be blessed today!

Christ, Christianity, God

Be An Imitator


Ephesians 5:1-2 – “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.  Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.” (NLT)

Do you remember at some point in your younger days playing with others and “copying” everything they did as a joke? If they said something, you did. When they moved, so did you. Whatever they did, you did also. And at some point came the phrase, “Stop copying me?”

Well, God will never say that to us. We are told to imitate him. The KJV says to be a “follower,” but that word follower translates as imitator.

We are told to imitate God.
In love.
In how we act.
In what we talk about.
In everything.

Simply stated, if we were imitating God we wouldn’t participate in Gossip, in telling dirty jokes, bad language…. None of those things.

In my mind this morning I have asked myself this very direct question:  would Jesus step right into my body and walk as me?

I wanted to say, “yes!”

But if I’m honest, the answer is no. I still have some things to work on.

Today, let’s give it our all to imitate Him and Him only!

Be blessed!