Ashley Horner, God, health and wellness

Let Him Stretch You


#achievingprominence by @ashley.horner day number I don’t remember is done! Had Shoulders today. Had to do handstand push ups (not the greatest at those), had to modify, but I always work on them. One day I will get them. Had standing BB OH Presses, got those at 60 pounds for 4 sets of 11. Core and several other lifts. I found myself realizing how strong I got during #hornerelite with Ash.  It was great. And I’m able to see that in this routine.

Started a new sermon series today, called #stretchmarks by Steven Furtick. It’s based off Acts 3.

Im short we must realize that it’s in our stretch that God changes us. He uses us, he positions us exactly where he wants us so that we can build his kingdom.

Several things were said that touched me. I’m going to go back and read the story on my own time. But one thing he said, “God has a dual purpose for our lives. He desires to use us to grow his kingdom and to stretch our mindsets.”

From there he said that when we are stretched, we change. Our mindsets change. And change always cost us something. There is a price we pay. That price manifest itself in various ways: lost friendships, people gossiping about you, hatred from others, having to do away with the old etc.

But here’s the deal: we can’t fear that moment in our stretching. Because if we do, we will resort back to our old ways. This is something I have to remind myself of daily. I want and desire to change and move with God. If that means that I pay a price, I’ll pay it.

As David says in Psalm 62, God is my protector, my refuge and my shelter. If I stand on his rock, no matter what comes my way, I can be stretched, changed and used for his glory!

Be blessed today!

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