Ashley Horner, Christianity, fitness

Stay The Same


Good workout today! I took the weekend off. While I was in Vegas for work I completed @ashley.horner #RecreatingYou and then picked back up this week with #achievingprominence. Had chest today. High reps but I got it done! I was proud of myself.

I listened to an AWESOME sermon while lifting today, that anyone can benefit from. The sermon was by Steven Furtick called #staythesame. It was just what I needed.

Often in life we desire to see change and results. Whether it be spiritual or physical change. Yet, we refuse to stay consistent with what some may call the mundane monotonous tasks. He said, “If you want to see the miraculous, stay consistent with the mundane.”

Stay grounded. Stay consistent. Stay rooted in the very things that will get you there.

In John 15 we are told that “He is the vine and we are the branches.” What I loved, that I never before considered: vines grow from the ground. They are the roots and the branches come from that.

Begin again today! Don’t lose focus. Don’t lose heart. Ground yourself in the very one who will get you where you need to be.

Have a blessed Monday y’all.

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