Christianity, fitness

You Might Need a Pattern Change


Sometimes when the alarm goes off, you just don’t want to get up. It takes me a few minutes to CHOOSE to get out of bed. I plan for that, by setting my alarm a few minutes earlier than I really need to. I have to plan to snooze. Haha! But, I got up. Had a great time with God then I got at it with my workout. I had arms today and was extremely consistent. For kicks and giggles I thought I would push myself, so afterwards I completed a conditioning circuit of wall balls, lunges, squats, push ups, burpees and wall sits.

I continued on with the sermon series by Steven Furtick called #staythesame. Truthfully, anyone who is desiring a different result in their life can benefit from this series.

It’s so amazing to me how when I’m choosing a sermon it ends up being related (unbeknownst to me) to what I’m dealing with in my life.

Here’s the gist of what I learned through this sermon. We all look at our lives and the results we are producing. In some areas we are pleased and in other areas we begin to mope, whine and complain because we are not happy with our results. In order to change our results we have to change our patterns.

He gave a great illustration. He said, “If I take 111 x 6 it equals 666. But, I don’t like that number for what it symbolizes. Since I don’t like my result I change my pattern. So, now it’s 111 x 7 which equals 777.”

If you feel defeated stop and ask yourself why? What can you change?

Are you frustrated with your fitness results? Look at the pattern.

Your walk with God? What are your patterns?

There are some routines we have that need to stay the same and there are some routines that we need to change in order to bring better results.

Be blessed!

Christ, God, Jesus

Take in Jesus


What we take in is ultimately who we become.

What we practice is who we are.
The words we read, turn into the words we speak.

Do you want more? Do you want something different? If so, the process is a simple fix…. take in Jesus.

When we center our eyes on Him and bring Him into the center of us, we become more.

We become transformed. We become a new creature. A new person equipped with His Spirit to do and move as He wants us too. Our flesh will try to persuade you to do something different, but stay focused on Him and you will change.

Let’s do this thing today.

Workout time! Chest and tris.